
New Simplified Rules for the Home Office Deduction In 2010 (the most recent year for which figures are available) nearly 3.4 million taxpayers claimed deductions for the business use of a home. In January 2013, the IRS issued new simplified rules for the deduction of the home office expense [Rev. Proc. 2013-13]. This revenue procedure provides an optional safe harbor method that individuals may use to determine the... Read More
Mitch Helfer 29/06/2013
Get the Best Price for Tax Preparation, Get Your Biggest Income Tax Refund, Pay the Least Amount of Income Taxes – Its What You’re Searching For Or is it? These are the 3 main reasons people get in trouble with the IRS. Best Price Tax Preparation In the last three days, we acquired three new clients, for each of the three biggest reasons they got in trouble with the IRS. When I asked why they chose to have their taxes prepared by the tax preparer they... Read More
Mitch Helfer 07/04/2013
What’s the Deal with The Fiscal Cliff – Is it Just Smoke and Mirrors? Anyone reading the news in the past several weeks has been bombarded with the “fiscal cliff” – a proposed increase to federal taxes resulting from the expiration of previous Bush era tax cuts; originally designed to as an imputes to stimulate the struggling economy. On December 31st, competing Democratic and Republican law makers claimed “victory” that a settlement has been... Read More
Mitch Helfer 01/01/2013
Case Study # 114: Ex-Attorney Settles $40,000 Tax Debt for Less Than $3,000 Single individual taxpayer CC fails to file prior years tax returns and is assessed around $40,000 in back taxes. CC was previously an attorney and investor earning over $300,000 annually during better times. After several years of success, CC suffered a serious decline due to drug dependence, thereby causing her to lose her job, her position in the community, all... Read More
Mitch Helfer 21/12/2012
Case Study # 113: Tax Relief for over $10,000 in Income Taxes Where Taxpayer Failed to Make a Valid S Corporation Election Without appropriate professional advice, entrepreneurial taxpayer, BB, decided to form a Company, go into business and strike out on his own. The good news is that the taxpayer made it big – everything he touched turned to gold. The bad news is that he failed to timely file a subchapter S election for his new Company – an election which... Read More
Mitch Helfer 21/12/2012
Case Study #112: Deceased Father Leaves Apartment Building to Wife and Children in a Trust Deceased father leaves 2 children and spouse an apartment building in trust approximating $2 million. The entire appreciation in the building, originally purchased far below market value escapes taxation on the transfer. Our clients, the recipients of the trust, bring us prior tax returns and trust documents to review and prepare current year tax returns. No recipient of the trust... Read More
Mitch Helfer 21/12/2012
Case Study # 109: US Citizens Residing Abroad Able to Escape Taxation on $90,000 of Taxable Income EA is a married, US citizen, who obtained employment as a defense contractor in Afghanistan early last year. EA was initially contracted to work a period of 10 months at his new job. US Citizens are generally required to file a US Tax Return reporting worldwide income including earnings overseas. However, certain exceptions apply to taxpayers who earn monies abroad... Read More
Mitch Helfer 21/12/2012
Case study # 106 – Realtor Owing Over $40,000 Gets Tax Payment Plan for Under $150 a Month When times are good, they’re really good. And when times are bad, there just appears to be no hope in sight. That’s what DD thought when he came to see us with no money, no prospects of money and over $40,000 in tax debt. DD is a typical victim of today’s troubled economy. Owing more than $40,000 in tax debt... Read More
Mitch Helfer 14/12/2012

I’ve been doing business with Mitch and CPA Miami for the last 4 years and have always had a great support from him. Mitch is always available, hears what we are doing and why and, most importantly, keeps us on track of better accounting and legal practices, in a very diligent way, which is very … Continue reading “Rafael F., Porto Alegre, Brazil”

Rafael F., Porto Alegre, Brazil

I have been working with this firm, as it relates to my personal and corporate tax activities, for well over a decade.  To date I can only say that Mitch Helfer and his staff have been professional, timely and knowledgeable of my personal and business tax needs.  In addition, Mitch is always readily available and … Continue reading “Francois I”

Francois I

This is the best CPA company I ever work with, Mitch Helfer saved us around $15,000.00 dollars in penalties , he abated the penalties successfully and we end not paying a dollar. He is always available for consultations and really understandable of our companies needs.

Judith C

Mitch Helfer has done my taxes for years, and he does a great job, gives great advice and gets the job done on time. Deborah Gray Mitchell

Deborah Gray Mitchell

Mitch is very professional and competant. He was persistant in helping me prepare my taxes and gave instructions in a calm and clear way. He is patient and organized. Thank you!

Collin Joyce

Awesome service. Would definitely recommend.

Leori Porter

Even if I live in the other side of the world you always been able to explain and support me in my projects. Thanks!!

Marco Vidali

Very knowledgeable, friendly and timely service. Have been a happy and very satisfied customer since 2003

Kay Oster

Our company has been a customer of the firm for approximately 5 years now … our business was unfortunately affected by a Civil Tax Penalty… we sent the case over to the firm for representation and managing. Immediately the firm acted upon the issue without rest … the penalty was deducted from our account and … Continue reading “Sandra de Leon”

Sandra de Leon

If you need a good CPA in Miami, you need CPA Miami! Thank you for joining our network, we look forward to hearing more from you! Matthew Wagner

Matthew Wagner

It’s great to see an excellent CPA firm that is committed to promoting the community through fiscal responsibility and advice. Keep up the great work and have an awesome season!


I went to CPA Miami for help with my tax returns and was pleasantly surprised. We have a small business and use QuickBooks accounting software. The owner, Mitch Helfer, CPA, figured out a way to make QuickBooks do many of the things we needed which will save us countless hours in data entry and more. … Continue reading “Emy G.”

Emy G.

Mitch Helfer and CPAMiami team always went the extra mile to help us grow our business. They are always available and proactive on suggesting better accounting practices. Their extensive use of IT resources, reduce a lot our work load in day-to-day operations. As a business manager, I would not even think in looking for another … Continue reading “Luiz Schmidt”

Luiz Schmidt

Mitch is always readily available. What more could you ask for from your accountant? Many other firms you’d probably go through many voice mails before getting a call back on a concerning matter. Fees are very reasonable and he is very easy to work with, nonetheless with a vast knowledge that you’d only receive from … Continue reading “Sandra D”

Sandra D